March 2019 | Magruder Eye Institute

Monthly Archives: March 2019

Acute Glaucoma Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment Options

In 2010 around 60.5 million people had glaucoma. But by 2020, this figure could reach up to 80 million.  This is because we are an aging population. And as we age the likelihood of experiencing glaucoma increases. But most types of glaucoma don’t just come on gradually with age.  The signs of acute glaucoma are brutal and come on suddenly…. Read More


8 Reasons You Could Be Seeing Black Spots in Your Vision

Is there any sense we rely on more than vision? For people who have never had impaired vision, it is hard to imagine how to get around without healthy vision. That’s why vision changes send so many people into a panic. If you’re in panic mode because you’re seeing black spots or floaters, take a breath. The… Read More