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Eye Dilation: Everything You Need to Know

Eye dilation has been practiced for centuries, albeit for very different purposes in the past. In fact, scientists knew how to dilate the pupil because of a beautifying procedure used by women in Renaissance Italy to give them a “doe-eyed” appearance.  We certainly don’t use eye dilation to enhance our features or make ourselves more appealing anymore,… Read More


What are the Differences Between an Ophthalmologist and Optometrist?

14 million people in America suffer from some variety of vision impairment. This varies from mild conditions through to medical emergencies. And treatment of vision disorders cost around $139 billion each year. Fortunately, there is lots of amazing help at hand. If you suffer from any sort of vision impairment an Ophthalmologist and Optometrist can help you get… Read More


7 Signs You Should See an Ophthalmologist

Dr. Lehr speaking with a patient

There are almost 25 million Americans who have been diagnosed with cataracts at some point in their lives. There are also nearly 3 million people who have been diagnosed with glaucoma. If you fall into either of these categories, then you should already know how important it is for you to see an Ophthalmologist on a regular basis. An Ophthalmologist can help you… Read More


What to Expect at Your Ophthalmologic Exam

Globally, 1.3 billion people have some type of vision impairment. If you have vision problems, visiting an Ophthalmologist might help improve your vision and increase your eye health. Even if you have great vision, there’s still a likely chance you’ll need to see an Ophthalmologist. Are you visiting an Ophthalmologist for the first time? If so, you’re… Read More


A Closer Look at Your Options For Treating Cataracts

Statistics indicate that over 24.4 million Americans are affected by cataracts. Individuals aged 40 and over have the highest prevalence rate of cataracts. The likelihood to develop this condition increases with age. When an individual starts suffering from cataracts, the lens in their eye(s) becomes compromised and is no longer able to focus light onto their retina… Read More


Dry Eyes: The Most Common Causes & Treatments

Did you know dry eye syndrome is prevalent among older people? In fact, about 4.88 million Americans aged 50 and above have this condition. However, younger people experience this, too, especially in this age of smartphones. Dry eyes are not only irritating due to its symptoms, but it can also decrease the quality of life. This… Read More


Acute Glaucoma Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment Options

In 2010 around 60.5 million people had glaucoma. But by 2020, this figure could reach up to 80 million.  This is because we are an aging population. And as we age the likelihood of experiencing glaucoma increases. But most types of glaucoma don’t just come on gradually with age.  The signs of acute glaucoma are brutal and come on suddenly…. Read More


8 Reasons You Could Be Seeing Black Spots in Your Vision

Is there any sense we rely on more than vision? For people who have never had impaired vision, it is hard to imagine how to get around without healthy vision. That’s why vision changes send so many people into a panic. If you’re in panic mode because you’re seeing black spots or floaters, take a breath. The… Read More


Do I Really Need Eye Dilation During My Annual Exam?

Do you have an annual eye exam coming up? If so, you might already be worried about whether or not you’re going to need to have your eyes dilated during it. There are some people who don’t enjoy eye dilation and wish there was a way they could get out of it. There are also… Read More


LASIK Eye Surgery Costs and Other Important Information

Are you considering getting LASIK eye surgery? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, over 800,000 LASIK procedures are performed every year. LASIK is actually the most popular elective surgery throughout the world — you probably know someone who has had it. Plus, it has a 95% rate of success, which makes it even more tempting to say a final… Read More