What Are My Options for Vision Correction? | Magruder Eye Institute

What Are My Options for Vision Correction?

What Are My Options For Vision Correction?

What Are My Options For Vision Correction?

If you’re eyesight is getting worse, chances are you’re looking for a solution. Whether it’s glasses or surgery, here are some options for vision correction.

Keyword(s): vision correction

Are you afflicted by worsening vision? Unfortunately, less than perfect eyesight is a widespread phenomenon. According to the Center for Disease Control National Data Base, estimates 61 million adults are at risk for serious vision loss.

Reduced eyesight can have a negative impact on many areas of your life. Those who suffer are familiar with the frustrations caused by simple daily activities.

In 2002, the CDC reported that out of Americans living with significant vision impairments, only half had seen a doctor in the past 12 months.

If you need vision correction but haven’t found a solution, then this post is for you.

Read on to learn about the options for vision correction available to help patients like you!

Vision Correction Solutions Offer More than Eyesight

Diminishing vision can affect your autonomy. It may hinder tasks such as driving, cooking, and shopping. Impairments can limit your ability to go and do the things that you enjoy.

It can even impact your family dynamics and relationships, mood, and hobbies.

The combined effects of this loss can lead to problems in other areas as well. These may include depression, reduced activity, and withdrawing from social activities. The result is often a less fulfilling lifestyle than what you may have had when your vision was intact.

Unless you seek a solution that can restore your eyesight, you could be facing even greater consequences than you might realize.

The good news is that under the care of an experienced professional ophthalmologist, there are many solutions to help you recover.

Do Natural Treatments for Correcting Eyesight Work?

Today, many people are returning to trying the least invasive medical treatments possible. In some cases, homeopathic remedies and alternative treatments have been quite effective.

Patients may wonder if an at-home treatment is available for vision correction. Practicing certain eye exercises, relaxation techniques, or eye massage might not be your answer.

There are certain types of eye issues, such as convergence, when these type of therapies are recommended. But, these do-it-yourself options have not been proven successful with vision correction.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, natural vision correction doesn’t help nearsightedness, farsightedness, or other vision problems caused by a disease.

Patients who attempt these methods may risk allowing their needs to go unattended.

Delaying proper treatment might even make your vision problems progress at a faster rate.

It’s most often best to forgo the natural approach to vision correction. If you believe that this type of treatment might work for you, it’s best to consult with your eye doctor. They can recommend the appropriate solutions for your individual circumstances.


Eyeglasses provide an easy fix for refractive errors. And you can choose from different types of lens options, frame designs, and even lens coatings.

Single Vision vs Multifocal Lenses

There are two types of glasses lens to fit your particular needs. Single vision lenses correct distance impairments. While multifocal lenses perform double duty, corrected both near and farsightedness.

Patients who have presbyopia can use multifocal lenses to help them see closer objects. Although, part of the lens allows them to see greater distances.

Depending on your eyesight, bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses can offer vision correction.

What’s the Difference in Bifocals, Trifocals, and Progressive Lenses?

Bifocals are used by patients who only struggle with nearsightedness.

Trifocals have three levels that include distance and near vision, and intermediate vision.

Progressive lenses are like trifocal lenses somewhat. They provide the ability to see objects of varying distances. But, the lenses are created to make the transition smoother. Yet, there is a small percentage of the population who are unable to adapt to these type of lenses.

Reading glasses are available without a prescription from most drugstores and pharmacies. They are effective at helping you see up-close for things like reading, typing, or sewing.

Lens Coatings

Most modern-day lenses are made of plastic.

At one time, they were made predominantly of glass.

But, plastic tends to be more lightweight and durable. Also, it has the added bonus of blocking UV rays that can cause further damage.

Lenses are available in a variety of thickness, depending on your individual circumstances.

There is also the option of adding protective coatings to your lenses. These can reduce glare and reflections, which allow for enhanced vision.

You can also request a coating to boost UV protection.

Other Considerations

Depending on the frames, lenses, coatings, and prescription, a high-quality pair of eyeglasses can be expensive. They may cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Also, you do run the risk of losing your glasses. And, they aren’t always found to be as durable as you might hope, which means that they do sometimes crack or break if not handled with care.

The advantage of wearing glasses over contacts is that they don’t need replacing as often. Replacement is only required if you lose or break your glasses or your vision changes.

Yet, if your vision requirements change, you will need to update your lenses.

Also, styles do tend to change every few years. If you are particularly tuned into wearing what’s in fashion, then you might prefer to buy new frames to keep up with the trends.

A drawback for some is that eyeglasses are obvious to others. And, they can feel uncomfortable until you have grown used to wearing them for a time.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses, like eyeglasses, offer vision correction for myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (blurred vision due to the misshapen cornea) and presbyopia (inability to see close up).

These thin, clear plastic disks float on top of the eye. They are virtually invisible to others. Unless you tell someone that you are wearing them it’s unlikely that anyone would ever know.

Contacts, as they are often referred, need regular care and cleaning. This ensures visual health and safety. If they are not cleaned or changed as directed, they can damage the eyes.

Particles of dust, grime or bacteria can become trapped in the contact and cause an infection. The likelihood of this happening increases without proper care and cleaning.

But, with proper maintenance, they are typically well-tolerated by most users.

In fact, there are some instances that contacts are recommended by physicians. These include eye conditions like keratoconus (when the cornea develops a cone-like bulge) and aniseikonia (when each eye perceives the size of an image differently).

Contacts provide a more discreet option than eyeglasses. But, some people find the maintenance a nuisance.

They usually come six pairs per box and can range in prices from less than $50-100 dollars per box.

They are effective and are available to most anyone, including children, as long as they are properly applied.

Corrective Surgery

Today’s advances in modern medicine have made possible new treatments for vision correction. In certain instances, vision correction surgery might be an option.

The benefits of corrective surgery tend to appeal to many patients. Surgical repair usually produces long-lasting results. It may eliminate the need for glasses or contacts, making it a convenient choice.

Many surgeries do not require extensive hospital stays. They are commonly performed in outpatient clinics.

Not every patient is a candidate for surgery. Although, there are many times that surgery offers patients the best possible outcome for longterm vision correction.

To find out if your circumstances may be helped with surgery, let’s take a look at some of the types of corrective surgery available.

Lasik Surgery

Lasik surgery has become popular among patients that are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism.

The procedure is typically performed outpatient and does not tend to require lengthy recovery periods.

Physicians that conduct Lasik surgery use anesthetic to reduce any pain or discomfort that the patient may feel otherwise during the procedure. They then reshape the cornea to correct the patient’s vision impairments.

It takes about 15 minutes per eye, and patient’s vision improvements are often reported within a few days.

Cataract Surgery

Cataract corrective surgery is typically performed on older patients, who are those most commonly diagnosed with having cataracts.

It has been reported that 24.4 million Americans over the age of forty suffer from one of the varying types of cataracts.

A cataract is defined as a clouding in the lens of the eye that restricts light from entering in the eye, altering the ability of the eye to see with normal vision.

During this procedure, the physician makes slits in the patient’s natural lens and removes the clouded portion, then replaces the lens with a clear substitute.

The effectiveness of the surgery depends on the type of lenses that are used, but today’s treatments often offer patients a great improvement. Sometimes, the patient must continue to wear eyeglasses at times for optimal vision.

The procedure is routinely performed as an outpatient surgery. Recovery time usually takes around 3 weeks.

Lens Replacement Surgery

This procedure is often presented as an alternative to those who may not qualify for Lasik surgery.

Many patients would prefer a simple one-time surgical procedure over other vision correction alternatives.

The doctor simply replaces your lens with a new, corrective lens that results in near-perfect vision for many years. Sometimes, the treatment is so effective that the improvements extend for a lifetime.

This procedure is new, but it is quickly becoming a popular method of vision correction. The reviews to date have revealed high satisfaction ratings among patients who have had the surgery.

When to See a Specialist

Are you encountering issues with your eyesight? This may include blurry or reduced vision, abnormally dry eyes, the feeling of grit in your eyes, or any noticeable pain or disturbance. If so, then an appointment with a specialist is recommended.

Prolonging your visit to a doctor might result in compounding the issue. The sooner that you address any issues, the greater your chances for a variety of treatments.

Do you already wear corrective lenses or have loss of vision? Then you should see a specialist at least once a year, if not more often.

A professional physician can play a vital role in maintaining your eyesight. With so many options available, there’s likely a remedy available for vision correction.

A proactive approach can make a big difference in keeping your vision intact.

Your eyes provide a huge service, and your eyesight should not be taken for granted.

Want to Know Which Treatment Method is Right for You?

Vision impairments can be a significant source of frustration and concern. Often, there is a solution so that you don’t have to live with the inconvenience of reduced eyesight.

Those who suffer from vision problems should seek treatment as soon as possible.

Don’t let less than perfect eyesight get in your way.

Are you wondering if corrective surgery might be right for you? Do you want to speak with a professional about potential treatments? If you have questions about vision correction, contact us today!